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FACTS: Our Workers

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Nearly 75% of working Australians have at least one risk factor for the 17 most common chronic diseases. These cost AU business $51B each year. Our purpose is simple: to help you protect the health and wellbeing of your team members so they are happier, more productive and stay with you longer.


A Four Stage Process of Managing Health

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Watch the 90-second video...

Introducing In2health, a digital workplace healthcare platform. Developed by Australian medical doctors and utilising gold standard scientific data from around the world, In2Health allows your team members to calculate personalised health scores and provide better insights to help them to understand what simple actions they can take to improve their health now and into the future.

Free Health Assessment

If you believe In2Health may benefit your company’s biggest asset – your people –and you’d like to roadtest the platform, schedule your free health assessment to see for yourself.