FAQs for individuals
Exactly how can you assure me that you will keep my data safe?
All information we receive from you is stored in highly secure servers in Australia to prevent unauthorised use or access. Credit card information is encrypted before any transmission and is not stored by us on our servers.
Data collected through the assessment is initially stored with our Australian survey provider, within 72 hours it is deleted and transferred securely to In2health within the “ServiceNow” platform. This cloud based ‘software as a service’ platform as a very strong global credibility. Its infrastructure employs multiple progressive security layers and rigorous security practices to protect data.
What medical information do you collect and why?
The In2health Thrive program only collects data that enables us to identify your health risk levels for the 21 most common preventable conditions and to provide you with recommended actions to improve your health over time. This data also allows us to provide recommendations for referrals online if you request them.
Do you receive a commission for any recommendations that you make in the action plan?
No we absolutely do not. Any recommendation we suggest is based on credible evidence, not from any payment received.
I don’t have time, is this compulsory?
No this is definitely not a compulsory service. We exist to prevent chronic disease, to improve health literacy and to ensure that individual’s have access to good quality information to support them to make informed decisions.
The assessment takes approximately 15-20 mins to complete and provides you with comprehensive and personalised insights to help you live a longer and healthier life. This is the only platform in Australia that provides this extensive level of scientific analysis. We encourage you to try the In2health Thrive program out.
What if I am at high risk of a disease?
If your analysis shows you are at a higher level of risk, we will advise you of what symptoms to look out for, recommend and be able to provide online referrals to specialists or to pathology and/or radiology for further investigation.
Further investigation through tests allows the Thrive doctor to decide whether to continue to provide further guidance just through the Thrive portal or whether to offer our subscribers a consultation or refer you to a specialist or to a GP for physical examination. If any tests come back that raise concerns, you will be contacted confidentially by a Thrive GP.
I see a regular GP that I like and trust. How do you work with my regular GP?
For everyone who completes the Thrive Health Check, we provide a brief summary to share with their GP if they choose to do so.
If you undertake any tests or are provided with any referrals through the In2health platform we will ask you whether you would like a copy sent to your regular GP so they are always kept in the loop. We are not keen on fragmentation of care and believe that individuals should be at the centre of healthcare.
There is no obligation to continue with In2health if you would prefer to see your GP.
Can I get a referral from a Thrive GP if I need one or do I need to see my own GP for that?
In2health provides referrals based on analysis of the information you have provided through the In2health assessment. Our subscribers can access online appointments with our Thrive GPs.
We are happy to provide referrals that you may need including for pathology, radiology tests and non-GP specialists. We charge a small fee of $25 to provide these as our GPs then follow up your results and ensure that your health scores are recalculated and action plan is updated based on the new information.
What does it cost me to use the In2health platform?
You can access the Thrive Health Check and dashboard at no cost.
if you choose to access a comprehensive Health Profile and Action Plan which outlines all of your health scores, personalised lifestyle and medical recommendations to improve these and links to useful resources, the cost is $130.
Referrals for recommended screening can be accessed for $25 which includes the Thrive GPs following up your results.
Rather than paying the one off fee for Action Plan we encourage you to consider subscribing. We currently have two tiers available:
ESSENTIALS includes access to:
Personalised Health Profile and Action Plan
Two 30 minute online consultations with our fabulous Thrive GPs focussed on goal setting and strategies to boost your healthspan, provision of referrals for recommended screening and a comprehensive wellness genetic profile.
Ongoing access to the Thrive platform enabling regular updates of your Health Scores and Action Plan as well as personalised nudges through the Thrive 'Health Concierge’ service to help you to stay on track with your health goals and to have access to the latest curated scientific information on ways to boost your health.
OPTIMISE includes access to everything in the ESSENTIALs subscription plus:
Quarterly 30 minute Thrive GP consultations to touch base about your progress with strategies to improve your health scores and discuss any ongoing concerns
What do I get if I subscribe?
No, at the moment we do not provide general GP consultations. We do recommend that you provide your In2health GP preventive care summary to your health professional particularly if you do not have a history with your doctor as this can assist them with how to proceed.
Do you recommend vitamins and supplements?
Yes we do, where there is good medical evidence to support their use.
Do you provide scripts for medications?
We do not currently provide scripts, but it may be a service we provide in the future.
What kind of information does my organisation get?
If you have accessed the Thrive Health Check through your gym or employer, In2health uses only de-identified and aggregated data to provide your employer with trend data and insights to support effective health strategies for its employees. We will only do this when we can guarantee that no individuals will be able to be identified.
We provide information such as team Stress, Heart health, Diabetes and Cancer Prevention scores, specific work related risk scores such as prolonged sitting time, perception of being valued, stress experienced at work relative to level of control over workload etc to inform your organisation about how they can maximise support for the health of their teams. Read more
Can I request my data to be deleted?
Absolutely. The In2health Thrive program follows medical practitioners’ guidelines for data collection and storage. If you request your data to be deleted we will as soon as practically possible archive your data, flag it for deletion and remove it from your organisations health information, no problems at all. In2health terms and conditions
Who do you share information with?
We will never sell or deal in Personal Data or any customer information.
We can share your data with secure third parties for the purpose of providing a service to you for example referrals to pathology labs for blood tests or in specialist referrals if you request one.
We may occasionally ask if you are interested in receiving relevant third party information or services that may be relevant to your health profile, but we will never share your contact details without your approval.
What if I don’t have all of information I need to complete the Health Check?
No problems. We send tape measures out to our workplace and gym partners and instructions on how to check your measurements to try to reduce. barriers to people completing the assessment. Some people get stuck on their family history and need to check with relatives in order to be able to provide accurate information. As long as you are able to respond to the majority of questions, some of which offer a ‘come back later’ option we can provide you with your health scores and action plan.
You will receive a personalised link to the Thrive “Pulse Check’ by email with your action plan. This is a quick and easy way to update any information that you may have missed as well as to document any health goals that you’ve been inspired to set. Easy!
What is the ‘Are you OK?’ check in?
This is an additional short assessment that we send to anyone who is identified to be at moderate or high risk of future mental health issues. The ‘Are you OK?’ check in is absolutely confidential. It provides a detailed analysis of where you are at now and we provide recommendations on some fantastic resources that are available to support you wherever you may be at. Read more
I have a high BMI and I smoke, I’m really sick of being told I need to do something about these. Isn’t In2health just another way to nag people?
We do everything we can to avoid nagging or being annoying! We completely understand that health is complex. There are many factors that contribute to good and not so good health. Your BMI and habits such as smoking are important but are not the whole story. We’ve designed In2health to be conversational and not intimidating. We’re not here to scare people and are absolutely not here to judge. We appreciate and celebrate diversity and individual choice.
In2health’s purpose is to provide you with clear information on what you can do to improve your health. We provide a list of recommendations and yes smoking and BMI are two of the 128 different factors that we ask about. We encourage you, once you are informed to set some goals about any aspect of your health that you are keen to improve, that may be creating more negative than positive impacts on your everyday life. We understand that change can be challenging and that you need to choose goals and a time frame that works for your life. We’re on your side.
In2health is a new and innovative approach to managing wellness, so we understand there will be questions. Below are some of the questions that have come up in some of our conversations. If you don’t see what you are looking for or would like further information, please feel free to contact us at hello@In2health.com
How do I know that my health information will be kept private?
Our systems and processes are carefully designed to ensure that personal data is always kept confidential and secure. We provide trends to our workplace health partners using aggregated and de-identified data, to better inform health strategies, but absolutely nothing that can identify individuals.
One of our doctors will review your action plan before it sent out to you, but they are bound by the same duty of care and privacy legislation as any doctor that you choose to see face to face. In2health privacy policy
FAQ for employer organisations
Why is it my responsibility to make sure that my employees are looking after their health?
Interesting question, that depends on how you look at things. There is strong evidence that workplaces carry a huge amount of the cost of lost productivity through sick leave, presenteeism and workers compensation for individuals who have risk factors for chronic disease. These risk factors are well known to impact capacity for work, typically well before chronic conditions are diagnosed and many of these are not visible to employers.
The evidence is overwhelming that workplaces are integral to improving population health, as:
we all spend a lot of time at work,
work can be protective against or a risk factor for poor health and
our work peers can be a great source of motivation and support.
The Australian health system unfortunately isn’t adequately resourced to provide effective preventive care to the majority of people who need it. Something needs to shift. If workplaces in Australia can be empowered and inspired to play a role, they will benefit economically and culturally and feel good about being a part of improving population health in Australia.
Isn’t the possibility of preventing one employee from having a heart attack, developing cancer or being devastated by a serious mental health issue a worthwhile investment?
What if one of my staff shows up as being at high risk of a health condition? Are we then responsible?
No you are not.
In2health is very serious about the duty of care that we carry for individuals who engage with our platform. We only provide aggregated and de-identified data to organisations. We aim to identify risk of future chronic disease but understand that we may detect that an individual is at very high risk of or may already have developed a chronic condition that requires medical intervention. We are committed to providing clear information to each individual about their current risk and our recommended course of action.
If we provide referrals and these are not acted on, we carry a duty of care to contact the individual to advise them of the risk.
I’m really worried about employee mental health. Do you hold duty of care if someone shows up as being at risk?
Yes we do and we take this responsibility very seriously. We provide any individual identified to be at high risk with links to highly credible resources. We also request that anyone who completes the additional ‘Are you OK?’ assessment provides their mobile number and we commit to contacting anyone who flags that they may be at risk. Read more
We’ve offered one off health screening days for heart disease and diabetes before and they don’t seem to have made any difference. How is In2health different?
We’re different for a number of different reasons. Our assessment is very comprehensive, screening for the top 17 most common chronic conditions. We understand that being holistic is important as many chronic conditions share risk factors and that physical and mental health impact each other.
We understand that sustaining healthy behaviour change and inspiring individuals to access recommended screening is not straight forward. We’re here for the long haul. We aim to engage with individuals long term to provide gentle nudges if their health scores aren’t shifting and to link them in with useful resources. Our goal is to inspire as many individuals as possible to sustain behaviour change and access screening to prevent chronic disease. We will work constantly to enhance our platform to support this.
We provide a number of health programs in our workplace. Can In2health integrate with these?
We love this question. In2health is designed to partner well with many other workplace health providers. We’re not keen to reinvent the wheel as there are many providers out there doing great work. The aggregated data that we provide to employers provides meaningful insights into effectiveness of other programs by tracking health scores and specific risk and protective factors over time. We are also able to track health costs and can correlate these with various health interventions.
We can provide customised action plans for organisations to encourage individuals at risk to link in with health programs that are already in place such as EAP, steps challenges, gym memberships etc. We recognise that a ‘one size fits all’ rarely works, it’s important to be flexible to maximise health benefits. We aim to work closely with organisations to understand their needs and how we can best provide support to optimise outcomes.