GP Clinical Preventive Care Summaries
At In2health, we’re very proud of our accurate and comprehensive chronic disease risk assessments. These are designed to make primary care clinicians lives easier and to optimise outcomes for patients.
Expectations of GPs and practice nurses are at an all time high and the remuneration generally inadequate to support quality preventive care. Acknowledging the current pressures on the primary care workforce, the expectation to consider the complexities of risk of 17 preventable conditions, with over 120 risk and protective factors, on top of the presenting issues for all adult patients in general practice, is almost an impossible ask.
This is part of the reason why an Australian dies every 20 minutes of a preventable condition.
We provide automated clinical summaries that provide an analysis of risk for the 17 most common chronic conditions and identify MBS item number eligibility based on this to save you time and improve remuneration.
We want to ensure that as many of your patients as possible access timely preventive care to augment the quality care provided by the dedicated GPs and primary care nurses across the country.