ePREVENT 360 research project :
Enhancing PREVENTion through digital pre-visit assessment, empowerment and monitoring.
What is the ePREVENT 360 project?
This research aims to improve how we prevent chronic diseases.
Why should I sign up to be a part of this project?
By joining, you’ll get to use the In2health program - an online tool designed to help you to understand your health better and make positive changes.
How It Works:
You’re welcome to volunteer to be a part of this project if you are:
Aged 30 - 65 years old.
Have a smart phone, tablet or laptop device to access the project.
Speak English
If you decide to take part, this is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.
What’s involved?
If you’d like to take part:
The first step is read and sign the consent form.
2. You will then be sent a link to an online questionnaire about your health (10-15 minutes).
3. Then you will receive a link to the online IN2HEALTH Health Check (20-30 minutes done in one go or you’re welcome to do this in smaller sections, whatever works best). Completing this Health Check gives you access to your Health Dashboard, a personalised Action Plan with easy to follow steps to improve your health and a summary that you can share with your GP or nurse.
4. In 3 then 6 months you will receive a ‘Pulse Check’ link to update us on whether you’ve had any screening tests or have been inspired to make different health choices (5-10 minutes). This will update your health scores on your dashboard and you’ll get an updated Action Plan.
5. At the 6 month mark we’ll send you a quick feedback survey. We’d appreciate it if you could tell us about what you liked and what could be improved (7-10 minutes).
6. We will invite a small number of people to take part in a 20-30 minute interview with a researcher to provide more feedback on their experience.
7. In addition to being able to use IN2HEALTH to help you to be healthier we will also provide a $60 gift card as some compensation of the time volunteered by all of the individuals who take part in this project.
Your data is safe with us
We take your privacy very seriously. Your information is secure and no information that identifies you will be shared.